Friday, April 17, 2009

Greetings from the heart of the nest. Its seems so cool, to think that we as a body has entered into a new season in the Spirit. a crossing has already taken place, as we have been following Him on this long wonderful journey. Yes beloved God is good. if we would just look back and actually see His goodness, to look back at the mile stone markers in our life, to look back and to see the history that you and God have together. It is truly a wonderful place to rejoice in. we must have a history with God, unless we have been nowhere with Him. we must have history with Him, so we can see that what we are facing, is small to Him. that is why hearing testimonies are so very important. because the root word means to do it again. we hear the testimony and it opens the doors for God to do it again. the markers in our lives will cause others to ask why we have them, them we can look back and review the history with our maker. and upon them hearing the word, it will open up the door of hope in their lives. surly if God did it for them, them He can do it for me. I ask you guys to look at the miracles in the bible, and compare them with what you are going through right now. what you are going through can not compare with any of the miracles that we see recorded. hey think about it, when we read about how God intervened with His people, we are reading their history with God. look back saints and ponder on just how good He has been in your lives. to forget it will put us at odds with God. we will begin to accuse him of not caring for our present condition, because He has not answered our present request. just look at your history, and stay in the place of rejoicing, and thankfulness towards Him.
love you guys
leonard and terri.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hello everyone. It has bee a beautiful adventure with our LORD. It has seemed that the HOLY SPIRIT has sent about three pastors into our Thursday night life group. They are beautiful people. We are training about prayer, and how it relates to all the events with mankind. God does nothing in the affairs of mankind unless someone prays. The earth belongs to us and the heavens belong to our God. Both have been invited into each others world. But i like his world better than this one.

Yes, God is in complete control, BUT he gave the world to us to steward. He invades our world by invitation, and He brings His world with him. and when that happens we must align ourselves with His world. But it all begins with prayer. prayer is the access point it is the door for our heavenly father to invade this earth with His will. It is also the access point for us to violently invade heaven. think about it. prayer also shows us our dependency upon the father and his kingdom to do what we can not. prayer is humbling. we must contend for things in the realm of the spirit. we must be forceful in our pursuit for God. most of what we need will be brought to us, BUT what we want we must go and get it. prayer is the key friends.

love leo and terri