Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Welcome back from the happy holiday. Wow one more to come. It seems that my last blog about offense has been good in geeting people to think. A question that was asked is "How can I tell a good offence from a bad one?" I hope I can answer that one. Their is an offense that comes from the LORD. He offends my mind so that my heart is revealed. Many times in the past the LORD would not bless what I put my hand to do. The way that I have been thinking and trying to get results in the spirit just did not work. My view of scriptures had to change, and during many nights of frustration and anger at God He brought clearity to my mind. This is what He did. What I was doing was not working, so He sat me down and taught me by doing the stuff in front of me so that I could learn. But first I had to get past offence. Our LORD is still a discipler. That is always a very good offence. But what if my brother sins or says the wrong things in my hearing or i hear of some great man of God falling into sin and my heart gets offended? Or the church is going into a direction that I think is not good? Thats a common one. Here are my thoughts,,,,,,, We lack the PEACE of God. The offence that comes, actually reveals my heart. I should be dead. But remember a core value of mine is that all things work together for the good of those that love God. So when any offence comes and my heart bites it, it is because their is still something alive in my heart that should not be alive, and the offense is doing a work. Do not drop the offense or try to hide it from yourself and God. Once the offence has done its work, it makes more room in our hearts to recieve more form God. Another good thing is seeing that I have been offended and not living in deception of fooling myself. My thinking has to change. We must see diffrently. I do not want to categorize any offence by saying this is a good or bad offence, but I do say that the offence will come, the question is what are we going to do with it. Psalm 119:165. Look at the heart and not the source.
love you guys

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Greetings from the nest. What a wonderful week we've had here at the Eagles Nest. We finally released a life style of prayer. For the next few weeks we are praying for each member of the nest. It will cover about 13 weeks of prayer. We have an awesome group of people that are hungry to see the kingdom of God come to individuals. The Holy Spirit has also given us an i con concerning the nation of China. The i con is a butterfly. So we are also being reminded to pray for China. For several weeks I have been seeing buttrflies everywhere. Over and over I am being reminded to give thanks to Father for the Chinese. Im hearing China on t.v. the radio, wow cool. we already have had a awesome word concerning China during on of our meetings. A release of butterflies were over China and the butterflies were going into every part of the nation. Transformation, so now i declare transformation for China. Im getting emails from others in the nest about China. Which touches my heart, because it shows me that they are also interested in praying for China. Keep an eye out for the butterflies guys. Their is a release of offense that has already been sent to us @ KLF. It is a good offense that is actually revealing our heart towards God and towards man. Our house is an house of prayer. Please understand, that a lifestyle of prayer is what keeps us in the moves of God. That is why the enemy tries so hard to keep us off of our knees. What is being sent out of this house will be birthed through the praying of the church. It is out of intimacey with the LORD that all things are birthed. Sustaining prayer, is what I am hearing now. All things are birthed through prayer and what birthed it, is what will sustain it. Okay i got off track. This offense that is here NEEDS to be dealt with, with wisdom. The problem with an offense is we are tempted to disreguard the offense because we think that we as Christians should not get offended, because we somehow think that getting offended is sin. So what we do alot of the time is quickly drop the offense before it does an internal work. Thinking that if we can just drop the offense, then we can walk in victory and stay in right relationship with God and man. When actualality the offense came because it is doing a work inside of us, killing the very thing that should not be alive. When someone offends us, we need to learn how to go about process to fully establish the work of transformation in our hearts. the offense needs to become our best friend, held close, and allowed to complete its work. as we worship the Father Hanging on to the offence it does it work and quickly produces fruit. In Gods light all darkness is exposed and dealt with. The flip side to this is denieing that one has been offended and then struggling to walk through life without the presence of the Holy Spirit. Then we wonder why this thing keeps junping up in my heart time and time again. It is in worship that we recieve the grace to overcome all things. Love you guys so very much
Leonard and Terri

Friday, October 24, 2008

Greetings everyone. My heart is so blessed to read the comments sent by you. I believe a time is coming when not only members @ klf will comment, but people from around the globe will read, and be blessed. My heart is to encourage the body of Christ through writing, and staying in tune with the Holy Spirit. For the past two weeks, we have been hitting it hard concerning persistant prayer in the life of the believer. My question to you is, "What do you want to see"? There are certain realms of breakthrough that can only be obtained through persistant prayer. persistant prayer takes us from a beggers mentality to a passionate violent daughter/son of God, that draws on Gods goodness. There is a demand from the believer that pulls on the supernatural and we actually become bridges from one world to another. Having the presence of The Holy Spirit in us is one thing, But having Him rest upon us is totally different. In Luke 4:18 Jesus proclaims that the anointing of the Holy Spirit was UPON Him for the purpose of others. Think about it . He is in us for our sakes, but He is upon us for the sakes of others. Remember He is a river inside of us wanting out!!!!! The mandate for miracles is upon us for the taking. Without them the world will not turn. Im being persistant in my praying, knowing that it is about to happen. In this season at KLF we are in a time of shaking and pressure. All that will be shaken will be, so that what is of Gods building will remain, and yet what is not of Gods building will be shaken away. LORD shake us now. Saints this word is true and awesome, but do not continue to look at this word, but I encourage you to look at His presence in all things. When things start to shake look stedfast to Him. Next Thursday on 10/30/08 we will have Doug Horner speaking on the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I am very excited. After the talk we will impart what we have been given. So far two people have requested prayer for the Holy Spirit. So lets do it. Looking so forward to seeing you guys next Thursday.
Be Blessed and love you,
Leonard & Terri

Friday, October 17, 2008

Greetings from the Eagles Nest. What an adventure we had yesterday. After soaking, the Holy Spirit directed us to pray for China. The word that came forth was "repent", so we began and call forth China to the LORD, and that God would cause them to repent. Then another word came forth which was forgive. So we prayed for forgiveness to them and from them. John 20:22-23 came forth. very powerful!!! Im praying that the LORD will open the door for us at Eagles Nest to minister to them. Today I saw drawings crayon pictures and they were as if they were drawn by kids. My thoughts were to send them to a church in China. So now we are doing research about China and joyfully waiting to see what the Holy Spirit will do next. Im praying for favor and breakthrough. What an awesome thing to actually have an alliance with the Chinese, to advance the kingdom of God. I dont know what is going on but we are going for it
leonard &Terri

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hello everyone. It seems that the Lord is upto a bunch of stuff. Our youth pastor has also been seeing structure for his team. My question is what does it look like? Moses went up into the mountain and recieved the pattern that he was to build here on earth. God gave Moses people that had special graces upon their life to help build the vision. so do not think that you are not of value. my heart is in hot pursuit of the HOLY ONE. my days go by thinking about structure and how it is suppose to look like. Im very excited about it all. i have never been here before with the LORD. I have learned that the structure must not serve the structure but be built, put in order for the prophetic to flow properly. After Jethro spoke to Moses about setting things in order Moses built the structure for the people to hear God. My prayer is out of Galatians 4:19 that His structure will be birthed in us. I pray. Im constantly seeing the number 4 all day today. and this word structure is stuck in my head. I pray seek and I am chasing Him more now than ever. I must have more, more of Him reguardless of the past. press in saints
love ya
Leonard and Terri

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Blessings to you guys. Sorry about last post, i did leave out a word. Its okay the mature will not stone me. This week I cast vision for the Eagles Nest. After it was said there was an awesome presence that surrounded my mind. Such peace was leaking out of me. We practiced using our five senses to discern Gods voice. out of the twelve two actually received a word of knowledge. Body parts that did not hurt began to hurt. Then we learned that it was ONE way that the Holy Spirit was communicating to us the word of knowledge. So those that had pain in that specific area we prayed over them with quick healing. Praise God. About three recieved words of knowlege through what they were smelling. How awesome is that!!! Bluebonnets, cherries, coffee (thanks Doug) and a few others. What they were smelling was exactly what someone in the room loved or it was there favorite. Cool. So what is the vision? Come on Thursdays- just kidding. Its changing and being added to. We are going to be a broadcast of the prophetic voice. Through prayer, recording our very own soaking cds, renewal services for our home church and other leaders, and still raising up eagles to be sent into flight. So the Holy Spirit has given me an assignment,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,shot for the heart. He has really challenged me to start building a structure within the eagles. The structure will hold what is coming. For the kingdom of heaven is within. He is doing an inside job building His structure within us to hold something. The firmament was created to hold and to allow what was held to function. For the last week and a half I have been seeing the numbers 4 and 10. From seeing dimes on the floor, grocery bills being $10.10 seeing 4 people here and there, numbers adding up to four etc. On the fourth day of creation God set the lights in the firmament to give ( Genisis 1:14-19 ).Apart from the firmament ,what was designed to be placed there could not BE or FUNCTION. Funiture is no good apart from the building. But you can not put furniture, where there is no structure to PROTECT IT!!!!!!! First the structure THEN place in the furniture, plants ,pictures. So it is with Elisha the prophet in II Kings 6:1-7. Elisha's anointing is what allowed the sons of the prophets to be set in place and to function. Think about it.
Be blessed
love Leonard & Terri

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Greetings everyone.Wow, what a 3rd week that we had a Eagles nests. There are many gifted people that are getting involved in what we believe the Holy Spirit is doing. God has really been expanding my vision for the world. But first starting at home. I once heard that the light that shines the farthest, shines the brightest at home. Think about it? we are learning that with the love of God our giftings are nothing. So we must have a balance of character and gifting. The Eagles Nest is realy a safe place to come and learn aout your giftings calling and function. We have been having hands on training on the simple gift of prophecy. Putting it into action, first in a safe inviorment, then out in the work place. We have gifted people who see colors on people, even smelling distinct smells of vanilla for other people. Alot of favor has opened up for us, within the boarders of KLF. With a view of the world, we are almost ready to start releasing prophecy to our leaders. From igroup leaders to ministry leaders. This will be done on an idividual level and a corporate level. Then we are also looking at every quarter, possibly inviting all of KLSFs leaders up to the Eagles Nest for a time of soaking, rereshing, prophesying, washing their feet, etc. It is an honor for us at Eagles Nests to serve the world in love. From there we are targeting next the leaders and other prophetic people of other churches in our city. Thank you for commeting on this blog spot. Be blessed

Leonard and Terri

Sunday, September 14, 2008

First Blog...

our first prophetic igroup was awesome. the holy spirit has shown me that the axe head is floating. i have this impression that many prophetic voices will arise through KLF. We have already started equipping the saints in learning how to prophesy and in discerning the voice of the LORD through the five senses. there is a release of favor, and i do see a door opening up for the prophetic to operate in police matters concerning the lost, kidnapping ,etc. We are training on how to prophesy on an individual level and a corporate level and learning on how to put the pieces of the puzzle together to see what the Lord is saying to us.