Sunday, November 23, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Greetings from the nest. What a wonderful week we've had here at the Eagles Nest. We finally released a life style of prayer. For the next few weeks we are praying for each member of the nest. It will cover about 13 weeks of prayer. We have an awesome group of people that are hungry to see the kingdom of God come to individuals. The Holy Spirit has also given us an i con concerning the nation of China. The i con is a butterfly. So we are also being reminded to pray for China. For several weeks I have been seeing buttrflies everywhere. Over and over I am being reminded to give thanks to Father for the Chinese. Im hearing China on t.v. the radio, wow cool. we already have had a awesome word concerning China during on of our meetings. A release of butterflies were over China and the butterflies were going into every part of the nation. Transformation, so now i declare transformation for China. Im getting emails from others in the nest about China. Which touches my heart, because it shows me that they are also interested in praying for China. Keep an eye out for the butterflies guys. Their is a release of offense that has already been sent to us @ KLF. It is a good offense that is actually revealing our heart towards God and towards man. Our house is an house of prayer. Please understand, that a lifestyle of prayer is what keeps us in the moves of God. That is why the enemy tries so hard to keep us off of our knees. What is being sent out of this house will be birthed through the praying of the church. It is out of intimacey with the LORD that all things are birthed. Sustaining prayer, is what I am hearing now. All things are birthed through prayer and what birthed it, is what will sustain it. Okay i got off track. This offense that is here NEEDS to be dealt with, with wisdom. The problem with an offense is we are tempted to disreguard the offense because we think that we as Christians should not get offended, because we somehow think that getting offended is sin. So what we do alot of the time is quickly drop the offense before it does an internal work. Thinking that if we can just drop the offense, then we can walk in victory and stay in right relationship with God and man. When actualality the offense came because it is doing a work inside of us, killing the very thing that should not be alive. When someone offends us, we need to learn how to go about process to fully establish the work of transformation in our hearts. the offense needs to become our best friend, held close, and allowed to complete its work. as we worship the Father Hanging on to the offence it does it work and quickly produces fruit. In Gods light all darkness is exposed and dealt with. The flip side to this is denieing that one has been offended and then struggling to walk through life without the presence of the Holy Spirit. Then we wonder why this thing keeps junping up in my heart time and time again. It is in worship that we recieve the grace to overcome all things. Love you guys so very much
Leonard and Terri